

Implementing usage quotas based on your pricing can be challenging. With OpenMeter Entitlements, you can grant access to features to customers with specific usage limits or static configurations.

Entitlements make it possible to implement complex pricing scenarios such as monthly quotas, prepaid billing, and per-customer pricing. Don't just list usage limits on your marketing page—enforce them within your application to control the cost of expensive resources like LLMs.

Give it a try!

Check out the Get Started guide to learn how to get started with OpenMeter Entitlements.

Use Cases

OpenMeter entitlements can help to implement various monetization strategies:

Use CaseDescription
Usage LimitsEnforce usage limits like monthly token allowances.
Plan VarianceSell plans with various feature sets.
Custom QuotesOffer custom quotes and per-customer pricing.
Prepaid BillingAdopt prepaid billing and grant usage, handle top-ups
CommitmentsDefine and track pre-purchase commitments

Core Entities

Entitlements are built around the following core entities:

SubjectA user, customer or service that can access a feature and has metered usage.
FeatureA feature of the metered system a subject can have access to, such as AI Tokens, API Requests, etc.
EntitlementDefine access and allowances of a feature for a customer. If metered it has a balance.
GrantGrant additional, one-time or recurring usage on metered entitlements.

Entitlement Types

Three types of entitlements to control access to features:

MeteredAllow customers to consume features up to a certain usage limit, e.g., 10 million monthly tokens.
StaticDefine customer-specific configurations as a JSON value. e.g. { "enabledModels": ["gpt-3", "gpt-4"] }
BooleanDescribe access to specific features like SAML SSO without needing config or metering.