

Usage metering tracks and records the consumption of a resource or service over time. This usage can take various forms, such as API requests, compute time seconds, or tokens consumed. Usage metering is commonly event-based to ensure accuracy and auditable data.

Why Do You Need Metering?

Widespread metering and consumption use cases include:

  • Usage-based billing
  • Enforcing usage limits and entitlements
  • Real-time consumption dashboards
  • Quoting and forecasting for renewals
  • Enabling Product-Led Growth and Product-Led Sales
  • Cost-attribution and margin analysis

Use Cases

OpenMeter metering can help to track various usage:

Use CaseDescription
AI TokensMetering AI Tokens consumed by LLMs.
API RequestsMetering API Requests.
ComputeMetering runtime of VMs, GPUs, etc.
SeatsMetering number of unique users over sessions.

See common examples for more use cases with meter configurations.